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Croatans and Croatians
Moderators: suelevin1, dnacommunities, teresapy, dpyates, jakayj, D J Thornton
Croatans and Croatians
It has long been thought the origin of the Croatan Indians of N.C. lay in the "Lost Colony," which supposedly took refuge with a nearby Croatian colony among the Indians. Do Croatan Indians look Croatian. Here's a comparison between C.D. Brewington, the tribal historian of the Croatan Indians, in 1925, and a well-known (and controversial) Croatian Catholic saint, Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac in 1937. What do you think? The Brewingtons were pure Croatan/Lumbee/Cohaire. Stepinac was from Krašić in the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia, near Zagreb and his family also were Croat on all sides. Read about Stepinac and his trial for treason here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aloysius_Stepinac. C.D. Brewington wrote The Five Civilized Indian Tribes of Eastern North Carolina, now out of print and hard to find. He was an Indian educator and insurance company executive.
Donald N. Yates, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, http://dnaconsultants.com
Principal Investigator, http://dnaconsultants.com
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